Photocrosslinkable starch cinnamyl ethers as bioinspired bio-based polymers
2025 Petroni, S; Orsini, S; Bugnotti, D; Callone, E; Dirè, S; Zoia, L; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Vitale, A; Raimondo, L; Sassella, A; Mariani, P; D'Arienzo, M; Cipolla, L
Multi analytical approach for in situ non- invasive analyses on orichalcum ingots from Mediterranean Sea
2024 Galli, A; Sassella, A; Raimondo, L; Orsilli, J; Caglio, S; Luisa Saladino, M; Armetta, F; Berrettoni, M; Conti, P; Caponetti, E
Tailoring the optical properties of rubrene films through epitaxy-induced amorphous-to-crystal transition
2024 Trabattoni, S; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Monguzzi, A; Meinardi, F; Sassella, A
A novel alkoxysilane-bearing photoreversible cinnamic side group: synthesis, characterization and exploitation in the design of multifunctional silica nanoparticles
2023 Orsini, S; Cipolla, L; Petroni, S; Diré, S; Ceccato, R; Callone, E; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Di Credico, B; Mostoni, S; Nistico', R; Raimondo, L; D'Arienzo, M
Growth dynamics and modelling of organic semiconductor thin films subject to post-growth processes
2023 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Sassella, A
Nanostructure phase selection in vacuum-grown Ni-TPP thin films.
2023 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Sassella, A
Post-Growth Dynamics and Growth Modeling of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
2023 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Sassella, A
2023 Minotto, A; Trabattoni, S; Raimondo, L; Pancaldi, A; Perego, J; Comotti, A; Antonini, C; Meinardi, F; Monguzzi, A; Sassella, A
Singlet Exciton Fission as a Probe of the Amorphous-to-Crystal Transition in Rubrene Thin Films
2023 Minotto, A; Trabattoni, S; Raimondo, L; Pancaldi, A; Perego, J; Comotti, A; Antonini, C; Meinardi, F; Monguzzi, A; Sassella, A
The spontaneous amorphous-to-crystal transition in rubrene thin films: a combined morphological and photo-physical study
2023 Sassella, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Trabattoni, S; Pancaldi, A
Tuning the morphology of Nickel-tetraphenylporphyrin thin films
2023 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Sassella, A
Growth process and post-growth evolution of tetraphenylporphyrin thin films
2022 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Minotto, A; Bussetti, G; Sassella, A
Post-Growth Evolution of Tetraphenylporphyrin Thin Films Grown by Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
2022 Pancaldi, A; Raimondo, L; Bussetti, G; Minotto, A; Sassella, A
Separating pigments and fillers from the polymer matrix in acrylic colors subjected to natural aging
2022 Barni, D; Raimondo, L; Galli, A; Caglio, S; Mostoni, S; D'Arienzo, M; Martini, M; Sassella, A
Synthesis and Characterization of Alkoxysilane-Bearing Photoreversible Cinnamic Side Groups: A Promising Building-Block for the Design of Multifunctional Silica Nanoparticles
2022 Orsini, S; Cipolla, L; Petroni, S; Dirè, S; Ceccato, R; Callone, E; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Di Credico, B; Mostoni, S; Nisticò, R; Raimondo, L; Scotti, R; D'Arienzo, M
Unveiling the robustness of porphyrin crystalline nanowires toward aggressive chemicals
2022 Fazi, L; Raimondo, L; Bonanni, B; Fanfoni, M; Paolesse, R; Sgarlata, A; Sassella, A; Goletti, C
Chemical separation of acrylic color components enabling the identification of the pigment spectroscopic response
2021 Barni, D; Raimondo, L; Galli, A; Yivlialin, R; Caglio, S; Martini, M; Sassella, A
Nature of Optical Excitations in Porphyrin Crystals: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study
2021 Palummo, M; Raimondo, L; Hogan, C; Goletti, C; Trabattoni, S; Sassella, A
Control of post-growth processes for the selection of metallo-tetraphenylporphyrin nanowires
2019 Raimondo, L; Trabattoni, S; Sassella, A
Detecting the NIR Fingerprint of Colors: The Characteristic Response of Modern Blue Pigments
2019 Yivlialin, R; Galli, A; Raimondo, L; Martini, M; Sassella, A