Sox2-dependent maintenance of mouse oligodendroglioma involves the Sox2-mediated downregulation of Cdkn2b, Ebf1, Zfp423, and Hey2
2021 Barone, C; Buccarelli, M; Alessandrini, F; Pagin, M; Rigoldi, L; Sambruni, I; Favaro, R; Ottolenghi, S; Pallini, R; Ricci-Vitiani, L; Malatesta, P; Nicolis, S
Mapping the Global Chromatin Connectivity Network for Sox2 Function in Neural Stem Cell Maintenance
2019 Bertolini, J; Favaro, R; Zhu, Y; Pagin, M; Ngan, C; Wong, C; Tjong, H; Vermunt, M; Martynoga, B; Barone, C; Mariani, J; Cardozo, M; Tabanera, N; Zambelli, F; Mercurio, S; Ottolenghi, S; Robson, P; Creyghton, M; Bovolenta, P; Pavesi, G; Guillemot, F; Nicolis, S; Wei, C
Sox2 is not required for melanomagenesis, melanoma growth and melanoma metastasis in vivo
2017 Cesarini, V; Guida, E; Todaro, F; Di Agostino, S; Tassinari, V; Nicolis, S; Favaro, R; Caporali, S; Lacal, P; Botti, E; Costanzo, A; Rossi, P; Jannini, E; Dolci, S
Sox2-Dependent Regulation of Neural Stem Cells and CNS Development
2016 Bertolini, J; Mercurio, S; Favaro, R; Mariani, J; Ottolenghi, S; Nicolis, S
Sox2 is required to maintain cancer stem cells in a mouse model of high-grade oligodendroglioma
2014 Favaro, R; Appolloni, I; Pellegatta, S; Sanga, A; Pagella, P; Gambini, E; Pisati, F; Ottolenghi, S; Foti, M; Finocchiaro, G; Malatesta, P; Nicolis, S
A direct physical interaction between Nanog and Sox2 regulates embryonic stem cell self-renewal
2013 Gagliardi, A; Mullin, N; Ying Tan, Z; Colby, D; Kousa, A; Halbritter, F; Weiss, J; Felker, A; Bezstarosti, K; Favaro, R; Demmers, J; Nicolis, S; Tomlinson, S; Poot, R; Chambers, I
Chromatin connectivity maps reveal dynamic promoter-enhancer long-range associations
2013 Zhang, Y; Wong, C; Birnbaum, R; Li, G; Favaro, R; Ngan, C; Lim, J; Tai, E; Poh, H; Wong, E; Mulawadi, F; Sung, W; Nicolis, S; Ahituv, N; Ruan, Y; Wei, C
Essential role of sox2 for the establishment and maintenance of the germ cell line
2013 Campolo, F; Gori, M; Favaro, R; Nicolis, S; Pellegrini, M; Botti, F; Rossi, P; Jannini, E; Dolci, S
Sox2 is required for embryonic development of the ventral telencephalon through the activation of the ventral determinants Nkx2.1 and Shh
2013 Ferri, A; Favaro, R; Beccari, L; Bertolini, J; Mercurio, S; Nieto Lopez, F; Verzeroli, C; La Regina, F; De Pietri Tonelli, D; Ottolenghi, S; Bovolenta, P; Nicolis, S
Sox2 requirement in Sonic hedgehog-associated medulloblastoma
2013 Ahlfeld, J; Favaro, R; Pagella, P; Kretzschmar, H; Nicolis, S; Schüller, U
Emx2 is a dose-dependent negative regulator of Sox2 telencephalic enhancers
2012 Mariani, J; Favaro, R; Lancini, C; Vaccari, G; Ferri, A; Bertolini, J; Tonoli, D; Latorre, E; Caccia, R; Ronchi, A; Ottolenghi, S; Miyagi, S; Okuda, A; Zappavigna, V; Nicolis, S
R26R-GR: A Cre-Activable Dual Fluorescent Protein Reporter Mouse
2012 Chen, Y; Tsai, M; Yang, T; Ku, A; Huang, K; Huang, C; Chou, F; Fan, H; Hong, J; Yen, S; Wang, W; Lin, C; Hsu, Y; Su, K; Su, I; Jang, C; Behringer, R; Favaro, R; Nicolis, S; Chien, C; Lin, S; Yu, I
Sox2 and Mitf cross-regulatory interactions consolidate progenitor and melanocyte lineages in the cranial neural crest
2012 Adameyko, I; Lallemend, F; Furlan, A; Zinin, N; Aranda, S; Kitambi, S; Blanchart, A; Favaro, R; Nicolis, S; Lübke, M; Müller, T; Birchmeier, C; Suter, U; Zaitoun, I; Takahashi, Y; Ernfors, P
Sox2 and Pax6 maintain the proliferative and developmental potential of gliogenic neural stem cells In vitro
2011 Gómez López, S; Wiskow, O; Favaro, R; Nicolis, S; Price, D; Pollard, S; Smith, A
The transcription factor Sox2 is required for osteoblast self-renewal
2010 Basu Roy, U; Ambrosetti, D; Favaro, R; Nicolis, S; Mansukhani, A; Basilico, C