Contemporary robotics research is deeply intertwined with neuroscientific and cognitive science research. Advancements in the understanding of the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying animal behaviour often inspire and stimulate the development of more and more efficient robotic systems. Conversely, robots are often deployed as experimental platforms to test neuroscientific and cognitive science hypotheses. In this article, we discuss the latter research approach from a methodological point of view. By describing some interesting examples of it, we identify some ways in which robots can contribute to the discovery of animal sensory-motor mechanisms, and introduce some methodological problems that are likely to emerge in the use of robots to test neuroscientific and cognitive science hypotheses
La robotica contemporanea intrattiene uno stretto legame con le neuroscienze e con le scienze cognitive. Da una parte, il progresso nella comprensione delle basi neurali e cognitive del comportamento dei sistemi viventi stimola lo sviluppo di sistemi robotici sempre più efficienti e in grado di operare in contesti ambientali relativamente caotici o poco strutturati. Dall'altra, la robotica può fornire significativi contributi sperimentali alla ricerca neuroscientifica e cognitiva. In questo articolo discuteremo alcuni esempi di quest'ultima direzione di ricerca, tracciando le linee generali delle procedure sperimentali seguite, indicando alcune tipologie di contributi che tali procedure hanno fornito alla ricerca sui meccanismi del comportamento animale, ed elencando alcuni problemi di metodo che chiunque si proponga di sottoporre la robotica "al servizio" delle neuroscienze e delle scienze cognitive deve considerare e affrontare
Datteri, E. (2014). La robotica al servizio delle neuroscienze: stato dell'arte e problemi aperti. MONDO DIGITALE, 13(55), 53-79.
La robotica al servizio delle neuroscienze: stato dell'arte e problemi aperti
Contemporary robotics research is deeply intertwined with neuroscientific and cognitive science research. Advancements in the understanding of the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying animal behaviour often inspire and stimulate the development of more and more efficient robotic systems. Conversely, robots are often deployed as experimental platforms to test neuroscientific and cognitive science hypotheses. In this article, we discuss the latter research approach from a methodological point of view. By describing some interesting examples of it, we identify some ways in which robots can contribute to the discovery of animal sensory-motor mechanisms, and introduce some methodological problems that are likely to emerge in the use of robots to test neuroscientific and cognitive science hypothesesI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.