The research aimed to deepen the theme of teaching and learning punctuation and its uses in primary school, both from a theoretical point of view, through a critical examination of the studies and research on this topic, and through empirical research. This theme is not so developed in literature and the overall theory that explains how the use of interpunctive signs is acquired and how it can be favored learning is not still studied (Demartini, Fornara, 2013). We have posed some questions to understand the issue of teaching punctuation in a perspective that considers it a main element in the framework of thought and communication: how much and how does punctuation appear in the writings of students and teachers? What is the relationship between this presence and the representations that students and teachers have of the interpunctive system? What are the difficulties of his direct teaching? On what can a change in teaching be built so that the learning of punctuation is effective and responsive to the very nature of this system of signs? Within the constructivist or naturalistic paradigm (Lincoln, Guba, 1985, 2013), the research methodology that supported the empirical phase was configured as a convergent mixed method (Creswell, Creswell, 2018), in order to integrate the information deriving from the collection of quantitative and qualitative data during the interpretation of results. The starting point was the analysis of 1399 texts written by students of the first two years of primary school within the longitudinal research project "The concept of words in early literacy: interlingual analysis (Italian, French and Spanish) on the written representations of words "(Ponton et al., 2021; Teruggi, Farina, 2021) and 126 autobiographical texts by teachers of the first cycle of education. In total, 28 interviews were conducted with primary school students and 7 of their teachers. At the same time, questionnaires were prepared for different types of interviewees: primary (76) and secondary (approximately 38) students and adults (178). Thanks to the questionnaires we were able to work on some of the themes that emerged from the interviews with the "participants" (Cardano, 2007) above, in order to be able to make useful comparisons for understanding the topic. We found confirmed the hypothesis of a logical path that goes from the introduction of signs along the ends of the text to the internal parts (Ferreiro et al., 1996). Punctuation is didactically marginal due to the short time dedicated to it, the little space occupied by the exercises in the textbooks and because the practice of reflection at school is generally limited. We need learning moments that stimulate this reflective process and a language that facilitates the understanding of the rules that govern this system of signs, that come as much as possible inductively from the practice. We hypothesized that adopting a more appropriate lexicon to talk about "sentence" and "pause" can help us in this sense. The research should have ended with further reflection work (focus groups) with teachers and children to share, compare and reflect on the results that emerged from the research. Given the pandemic situation, the intermittent closure of schools and the exhausting uncertainty seen in the teachers initially involved in this final phase of the work, it was decided to postpone this possibility for future occasions.
La ricerca si è posta l’obiettivo di approfondire il tema dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento della punteggiatura e i suoi usi nella scuola primaria, sia da un punto di vista teorico, attraverso una disamina critica degli studi e delle ricerche su questo tema, sia attraverso un’indagine empirica. Non essendo un tema molto presente nella letteratura di riferimento, non essendo ancora stata elaborata una teoria complessiva che spieghi come viene acquisito l’uso dei segni interpuntivi e in quale modo si possa favorirne l’apprendimento (Demartini, Fornara, 2013), ci siamo posti alcuni interrogativi utili a mettere a tema la questione dell’insegnamento della punteggiatura in una prospettiva che la considera elemento centrale nell’impalcatura del pensiero e della comunicazione: quanto e come si presenta la punteggiatura nei testi di studenti e insegnanti? Che rapporto c’è tra questa presenza e le rappresentazioni che studenti e insegnanti hanno del sistema interpuntivo? Quali sono le difficoltà di un suo diretto insegnamento? Su cosa fondare un cambiamento della didattica affinché l’apprendimento della punteggiatura sia efficace e rispondente alla natura stessa di questo sistema di segni? All’interno del paradigma costruttivistico o naturalistico (Lincoln, Guba, 1985, 2013), la metodologia di ricerca che ha sostenuto la fase empirica si è configurata come un convergent mixed method (Creswell, Creswell, 2018), al fine di poter integrare le informazioni derivanti dalla raccolta di dati quantitativi e qualitativi in fase di interpretazione dei risultati. Punto di partenza è stata l’analisi di 1399 testi scritti da studenti dei primi due anni della scuola primaria in seno al progetto di ricerca longitudinale “Il concetto di parola nella prima alfabetizzazione: analisi interlinguistica (italiano, francese e spagnolo) sulle rappresentazioni scritte delle parole” (Ponton et al., 2021; Teruggi, Farina, 2021) e 126 testi autobiografici di docenti del primo ciclo d’istruzione. In totale sono state realizzate 28 interviste a studenti di scuola primaria e a 7 dei loro insegnanti. Parallelamente sono stati predisposti dei questionari per differenti tipologie di intervistati: studenti di scuola primaria (76) e secondaria (38 circa) e adulti (178). I questionari hanno posto in essere alcuni dei temi emersi dalle interviste ai “soggetti partecipanti” (Cardano, 2007) di cui sopra, al fine di poter fare raffronti utili alla comprensione del tema. Abbiamo trovato confermata l’ipotesi di un percorso logico che va dall’introduzione dei segni lungo le estremità del testo alle parti interne (Ferreiro et al., 1996). La punteggiatura è risultata didatticamente marginale per il poco tempo ad essa dedicato, lo spazio ristretto che occupano gli esercizi nei libri di testo e perché è generalmente limitata la pratica della riflessione a scuola. Servono momenti di apprendimento che stimolino questo processo riflessivo e un linguaggio che faciliti la comprensione delle regole che governano questo sistema di segni, desunte il più possibile induttivamente della pratica. Abbiamo ipotizzato che l’adozione di un lessico più appropriato per parlare di “frase” e “pausa” possa aiutarci in tal senso. La ricerca si sarebbe dovuta concludere con un ulteriore lavoro di riflessione (focus group) con insegnanti e bambini per condividere, confrontare e riflettere sui risultati emersi dalla ricerca. Data la situazione pandemica, la chiusura a intermittenza delle scuole e l’incertezza logorante ravvisata nei docenti inizialmente coinvolti per questa fase finale del lavoro, si è optato per rimandare questa possibilità ad occasioni future.
(2022). PUNTO E BASTA? Insegnare e apprendere la punteggiatura.. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2022).
PUNTO E BASTA? Insegnare e apprendere la punteggiatura.
The research aimed to deepen the theme of teaching and learning punctuation and its uses in primary school, both from a theoretical point of view, through a critical examination of the studies and research on this topic, and through empirical research. This theme is not so developed in literature and the overall theory that explains how the use of interpunctive signs is acquired and how it can be favored learning is not still studied (Demartini, Fornara, 2013). We have posed some questions to understand the issue of teaching punctuation in a perspective that considers it a main element in the framework of thought and communication: how much and how does punctuation appear in the writings of students and teachers? What is the relationship between this presence and the representations that students and teachers have of the interpunctive system? What are the difficulties of his direct teaching? On what can a change in teaching be built so that the learning of punctuation is effective and responsive to the very nature of this system of signs? Within the constructivist or naturalistic paradigm (Lincoln, Guba, 1985, 2013), the research methodology that supported the empirical phase was configured as a convergent mixed method (Creswell, Creswell, 2018), in order to integrate the information deriving from the collection of quantitative and qualitative data during the interpretation of results. The starting point was the analysis of 1399 texts written by students of the first two years of primary school within the longitudinal research project "The concept of words in early literacy: interlingual analysis (Italian, French and Spanish) on the written representations of words "(Ponton et al., 2021; Teruggi, Farina, 2021) and 126 autobiographical texts by teachers of the first cycle of education. In total, 28 interviews were conducted with primary school students and 7 of their teachers. At the same time, questionnaires were prepared for different types of interviewees: primary (76) and secondary (approximately 38) students and adults (178). Thanks to the questionnaires we were able to work on some of the themes that emerged from the interviews with the "participants" (Cardano, 2007) above, in order to be able to make useful comparisons for understanding the topic. We found confirmed the hypothesis of a logical path that goes from the introduction of signs along the ends of the text to the internal parts (Ferreiro et al., 1996). Punctuation is didactically marginal due to the short time dedicated to it, the little space occupied by the exercises in the textbooks and because the practice of reflection at school is generally limited. We need learning moments that stimulate this reflective process and a language that facilitates the understanding of the rules that govern this system of signs, that come as much as possible inductively from the practice. We hypothesized that adopting a more appropriate lexicon to talk about "sentence" and "pause" can help us in this sense. The research should have ended with further reflection work (focus groups) with teachers and children to share, compare and reflect on the results that emerged from the research. Given the pandemic situation, the intermittent closure of schools and the exhausting uncertainty seen in the teachers initially involved in this final phase of the work, it was decided to postpone this possibility for future occasions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: PUNTO E BASTA? Insegnare e apprendere la punteggiatura.
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Doctoral thesis
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