The Department of Communication and Social research of the Sapienza University of Rome and the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research have realised a study aimed at evaluating the effects and achievements - in terms of gained knowledge - of a study-campaign on radiation protection and ionizing radiation. The campaign was addressed to 14-19 years-old students, a strategic target representing a fertile ground for absorbing new knowledge, new values, new behaviours, and transferring them to future generations. This audience is exactly a medium, enabling that the information gets diffused in the families; at the same time this audience is easy to be reached through the schools. The adopted research design (with pre-test, post-test and not perfectly equivalent control group) was an quasi-experimental one due to a casual subdivision, in the initial phase, of all the selected classes in two groups: the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The referred theoretic model assumes that an important part of the achievements – in terms of enhancement of competencies with consequent progress at cognitive level and more generally also in the affective and conative aspects -, depends on the educational activity performed ad hoc by an experienced and qualified staff. On the other hand the success of an educational activity depends also on the quality of the environment (structural characteristics and the system of relationships) where the activity is conducted; moreover, as it is the case for any human attitude, there are also further factors contributing to the changes imputable both to the individuals (gender, cultural heritage, position in the educational process, level of preparation, engagement of eco-compatible behaviours, etc.) and to the context of the activity (town, profile of the school). References Ammann W., Dannenmann S., Vulliet L. (eds.) (2006) RISK 21 – Coping with risks due to natural hazards in the 21st century, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis. Anderson H. (ed.) (1988) Communication Yearbook, vol. 11, Sage, Newbury Park. Blalock H.M. (1961) Causal Inference in Nonexperimental Research, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press; tr. it. 1976, L’analisi causale in sociologia, Milano, Angeli. Biocca F. (1988) Opposing Conceptions of the Audience: The Active and Passive Hemispheres of Mass Communication Theory, in Anderson (ed.) (1988). Boudon R., Lazarsfeld P.F. (pub. par) (1966), Méthodes de la sociologie. II. L’analise empirique de la causalité, Paris-La Haye, Mouton e Co.; tr. it. (1969) L’analisi empirica nelle scienze sociali. II. L’analisi empirica della causalità, Bologna, il Mulino. Bryson L. (1948) The Communication of Ideas, Harper, New York. Campbell D.T., Stanley J.C. (1966) Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company; tr. it. 2004, Disegni sperimentali e quasi-sperimentali per la ricerca, Roma, Eucos. Campbell, D.T., Cook, T.D. (1979) Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis for Field Settings, Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois. Cane V.R., Heim A.W. (1950) «The effects of repeated testing III Further experiments and general conclusions», Quarterlt Journal of Experimental Psicology, 2, Oxford, Taylor and Francis, pp. 182-195. Corbetta P. (1999) Metodologia e tecniche delle scienze sociali, Bologna, il Mulino. Cucco E., Pagani R., Pasquali M. (a c. di) (2005), Primo rapporto sulla comunicazione sociale in Italia, Rai Eri, Roma. Decataldo A., Coluccia C., Di Padova P., Truglia F. (2011) «La progettazione della ricerca-intervento», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di), 2011. Decataldo A., Marconi F. (2011) «L’intervento formativo: caratteristiche ed effetti attesi», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Decataldo A., Di Padova P., Faggiano M.P. (2011) «Le competenze sul tema della radioattività: analisi del cambiamento», in Fasanella e Maggi (a c. di) (2011). Decataldo A. (2011) «Il clima e le caratteristiche strutturali dell’intervento formativo: importanza strategica? », in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Dewey J. (1938) Logic, the Theory of Inquiry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; tr it. 1974, Logica, teoria dell'indagine, Einaudi, Torino. Douglas M., Wildavsky A. (1982), Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangers, University of California Press, Berkeley. Ettema J., Kline G. (1977), «Deficits, Differences and Ceilings. Contingent Conditions for Understanding the Knowledge Gap», Communication Research, vol. 4, n. 2, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp.179-204. Faggiano M.P. (2011) «I principali beneficiari dell’intervento formativo: aree di eccellenza o miglioramento diffuso?», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Fasanella A. (2002), «Realismo e spiegazione scientifica», in Fasanella e Stame (a c. di) (2002), pp. 106-140. Fasanella A. (2004) Introduzione all'edizione italiana, in Campbell and Stanley (1966); tr. it. (2004). Fasanella A. (2010) «Note su realismo e ricerca sociale», in Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, n. 91, Milano, Angeli, pp. 5-37. Fasanella A. (2011) «Uno sguardo d’insieme sui risultati della ricerca-intervento: un modello alla prova», in Fasanella e Maggi (a c. di) (2011). Fasanella A., Stame N. (a c. di) (2002) Realismo e valutazione, doppio numero monografico di Sociologia e ricerca sociale, XXIII, nuova serie, 68-69, Milano, Angeli. Fasanella A., Maggi M. (a c. di) (2011) Le conoscenze giovanili sulle radiazioni ionizzanti, Roma, ISPRA. Goldthorpe J. (2000) On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives and the Integration of Research and Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press; tr. it. (2006) Sulla sociologia, Bologna, il Mulino. Gaziano C., 1983, The Knowledge Gap. An Analytical Review of Media Effects, in Communication Research, vol. 10, n. 4, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 447-486. Holland P.W. (1986) «Statistics and Causal Inference», Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 81, n. 396 (Dec. 1986), Alexandria, American Statistical Association, pp. 945-960. La Piere R.T. (1934) «Attitudes versus Action», Social Forces, XIII, Oxfrod, Oxford University press, pp. 7-11. Lasswell H.D. (1948) «The Structure and Function of Communication in Society», in Bryson (1948). Lazarsfeld P.F. (1946) «Interpretation of statistical relations as a research operation», in Lazarsfeld and Rosenberg (eds.) (1946); ristampato in Boudon and Lazarsfeld (pub. par) (1966). Lazarsfeld P.F., Rosenberg M. (eds.), 1955, The language of social research. A reader in the methodology of social research, Glencoe (Ill.), The Free Press.Laurillard, D. M., 1993, Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology, Routledge, London. Martini A., Falletti V., 2005, La valutazione dei risultati delle campagne di comunicazione sociale: questioni di metodo e studi di casi, in Cucco, Pagani e Pasquali (a c. di) (2005). Mauceri S. (2003) Per la qualità del dato nella ricerca sociale. Strategie di progettazione e conduzione dell’intervista con questionario, Milano, Angeli. McDaniels T., Axelrod L., Slovic P. (1995) «Characterizing perception of Ecological Risk. Risk Analysis», Risk Analysis, vol. 15, n. 5,, pp.575-88 McQuail D. (1983) Mass Communication Theory. An Introduction, Sage, London; tr. it. (1986) Le comunicazioni di massa, il Mulino, Bologna. Micheli G.A. (2006) La formazione delle scelte demografiche. Materiali per lo studio dei processi cognitivi e normativi, Franco Angeli, Milano. Micheli G.A. (2011) Demografie, NcGraw-Hill Companies, Milano. Nagel E. (1961) The Structure of Science, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London; tr. it. 1976, La struttura della scienza, Milano, Feltrinelli. Pawson R. (2002), «Una prospettiva realista. Politiche basate sull’evidenza empirica», in Fasanella e Stame (a c. di) (2002), pp. 11-57. Pawson R., Tilley N. (1997) Realistic Evaluation, London, Sage. Perrone L. (1977) Metodi quantitativi della ricerca sociale, Feltrinelli, Milano. Plapp T., Werner U. (2006) «Understanding Risk Perception from Natural Hazards: Examples from Germany», in Ammann, Dannenmann and Vulliet (2006). Rosenberg, M. (1968), The logic of survey analysis, New York-London, Basic Books; tr. it., 2003 La logica dell’analisi trivariata, Milano, FrancoAngeli. Tyler T. (1980) «The Impact of Directly and Indirectly Experienced Events. The Origins of Crime-Related Judgements and Behaviors», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, n. 39, Alexandria, American Statistical Association, pp. 13-28. Waples D., Berelson B., Bradshaw F. (1940) What reading does people. A summary of evidence on the social effects of reading and a statement of problems for research, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Wachinger G., Renn O. (2010) Risk Perception and Natural Hazards. CapHaz-Net WP3 Report, DIALOGIK Non-Profit Institute for Communication and Cooperative Research, Stuttgart
Decataldo, A., Faggiano, M., Fasanella, A., Maggi, M. (2012). The knowledge of young students about ionizing radiation. A study-campaign and its assessment in the high schools of the Lazio region. Intervento presentato a: Second International Sociological Association World Forum of Sociology Social Justice and Democratization, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
The knowledge of young students about ionizing radiation. A study-campaign and its assessment in the high schools of the Lazio region
The Department of Communication and Social research of the Sapienza University of Rome and the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research have realised a study aimed at evaluating the effects and achievements - in terms of gained knowledge - of a study-campaign on radiation protection and ionizing radiation. The campaign was addressed to 14-19 years-old students, a strategic target representing a fertile ground for absorbing new knowledge, new values, new behaviours, and transferring them to future generations. This audience is exactly a medium, enabling that the information gets diffused in the families; at the same time this audience is easy to be reached through the schools. The adopted research design (with pre-test, post-test and not perfectly equivalent control group) was an quasi-experimental one due to a casual subdivision, in the initial phase, of all the selected classes in two groups: the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The referred theoretic model assumes that an important part of the achievements – in terms of enhancement of competencies with consequent progress at cognitive level and more generally also in the affective and conative aspects -, depends on the educational activity performed ad hoc by an experienced and qualified staff. On the other hand the success of an educational activity depends also on the quality of the environment (structural characteristics and the system of relationships) where the activity is conducted; moreover, as it is the case for any human attitude, there are also further factors contributing to the changes imputable both to the individuals (gender, cultural heritage, position in the educational process, level of preparation, engagement of eco-compatible behaviours, etc.) and to the context of the activity (town, profile of the school). References Ammann W., Dannenmann S., Vulliet L. (eds.) (2006) RISK 21 – Coping with risks due to natural hazards in the 21st century, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis. Anderson H. (ed.) (1988) Communication Yearbook, vol. 11, Sage, Newbury Park. Blalock H.M. (1961) Causal Inference in Nonexperimental Research, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press; tr. it. 1976, L’analisi causale in sociologia, Milano, Angeli. Biocca F. (1988) Opposing Conceptions of the Audience: The Active and Passive Hemispheres of Mass Communication Theory, in Anderson (ed.) (1988). Boudon R., Lazarsfeld P.F. (pub. par) (1966), Méthodes de la sociologie. II. L’analise empirique de la causalité, Paris-La Haye, Mouton e Co.; tr. it. (1969) L’analisi empirica nelle scienze sociali. II. L’analisi empirica della causalità, Bologna, il Mulino. Bryson L. (1948) The Communication of Ideas, Harper, New York. Campbell D.T., Stanley J.C. (1966) Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company; tr. it. 2004, Disegni sperimentali e quasi-sperimentali per la ricerca, Roma, Eucos. Campbell, D.T., Cook, T.D. (1979) Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis for Field Settings, Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois. Cane V.R., Heim A.W. (1950) «The effects of repeated testing III Further experiments and general conclusions», Quarterlt Journal of Experimental Psicology, 2, Oxford, Taylor and Francis, pp. 182-195. Corbetta P. (1999) Metodologia e tecniche delle scienze sociali, Bologna, il Mulino. Cucco E., Pagani R., Pasquali M. (a c. di) (2005), Primo rapporto sulla comunicazione sociale in Italia, Rai Eri, Roma. Decataldo A., Coluccia C., Di Padova P., Truglia F. (2011) «La progettazione della ricerca-intervento», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di), 2011. Decataldo A., Marconi F. (2011) «L’intervento formativo: caratteristiche ed effetti attesi», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Decataldo A., Di Padova P., Faggiano M.P. (2011) «Le competenze sul tema della radioattività: analisi del cambiamento», in Fasanella e Maggi (a c. di) (2011). Decataldo A. (2011) «Il clima e le caratteristiche strutturali dell’intervento formativo: importanza strategica? », in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Dewey J. (1938) Logic, the Theory of Inquiry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; tr it. 1974, Logica, teoria dell'indagine, Einaudi, Torino. Douglas M., Wildavsky A. (1982), Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangers, University of California Press, Berkeley. Ettema J., Kline G. (1977), «Deficits, Differences and Ceilings. Contingent Conditions for Understanding the Knowledge Gap», Communication Research, vol. 4, n. 2, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp.179-204. Faggiano M.P. (2011) «I principali beneficiari dell’intervento formativo: aree di eccellenza o miglioramento diffuso?», in Fasanella e Maggi, (a c. di) (2011). Fasanella A. (2002), «Realismo e spiegazione scientifica», in Fasanella e Stame (a c. di) (2002), pp. 106-140. Fasanella A. (2004) Introduzione all'edizione italiana, in Campbell and Stanley (1966); tr. it. (2004). Fasanella A. (2010) «Note su realismo e ricerca sociale», in Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, n. 91, Milano, Angeli, pp. 5-37. Fasanella A. (2011) «Uno sguardo d’insieme sui risultati della ricerca-intervento: un modello alla prova», in Fasanella e Maggi (a c. di) (2011). Fasanella A., Stame N. (a c. di) (2002) Realismo e valutazione, doppio numero monografico di Sociologia e ricerca sociale, XXIII, nuova serie, 68-69, Milano, Angeli. Fasanella A., Maggi M. (a c. di) (2011) Le conoscenze giovanili sulle radiazioni ionizzanti, Roma, ISPRA. Goldthorpe J. (2000) On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives and the Integration of Research and Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press; tr. it. (2006) Sulla sociologia, Bologna, il Mulino. Gaziano C., 1983, The Knowledge Gap. An Analytical Review of Media Effects, in Communication Research, vol. 10, n. 4, Thousand Oaks, Sage, pp. 447-486. Holland P.W. (1986) «Statistics and Causal Inference», Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 81, n. 396 (Dec. 1986), Alexandria, American Statistical Association, pp. 945-960. La Piere R.T. (1934) «Attitudes versus Action», Social Forces, XIII, Oxfrod, Oxford University press, pp. 7-11. Lasswell H.D. (1948) «The Structure and Function of Communication in Society», in Bryson (1948). Lazarsfeld P.F. (1946) «Interpretation of statistical relations as a research operation», in Lazarsfeld and Rosenberg (eds.) (1946); ristampato in Boudon and Lazarsfeld (pub. par) (1966). Lazarsfeld P.F., Rosenberg M. (eds.), 1955, The language of social research. A reader in the methodology of social research, Glencoe (Ill.), The Free Press.Laurillard, D. M., 1993, Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology, Routledge, London. Martini A., Falletti V., 2005, La valutazione dei risultati delle campagne di comunicazione sociale: questioni di metodo e studi di casi, in Cucco, Pagani e Pasquali (a c. di) (2005). Mauceri S. (2003) Per la qualità del dato nella ricerca sociale. Strategie di progettazione e conduzione dell’intervista con questionario, Milano, Angeli. McDaniels T., Axelrod L., Slovic P. (1995) «Characterizing perception of Ecological Risk. Risk Analysis», Risk Analysis, vol. 15, n. 5,, pp.575-88 McQuail D. (1983) Mass Communication Theory. An Introduction, Sage, London; tr. it. (1986) Le comunicazioni di massa, il Mulino, Bologna. Micheli G.A. (2006) La formazione delle scelte demografiche. Materiali per lo studio dei processi cognitivi e normativi, Franco Angeli, Milano. Micheli G.A. (2011) Demografie, NcGraw-Hill Companies, Milano. Nagel E. (1961) The Structure of Science, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London; tr. it. 1976, La struttura della scienza, Milano, Feltrinelli. Pawson R. (2002), «Una prospettiva realista. Politiche basate sull’evidenza empirica», in Fasanella e Stame (a c. di) (2002), pp. 11-57. Pawson R., Tilley N. (1997) Realistic Evaluation, London, Sage. Perrone L. (1977) Metodi quantitativi della ricerca sociale, Feltrinelli, Milano. Plapp T., Werner U. (2006) «Understanding Risk Perception from Natural Hazards: Examples from Germany», in Ammann, Dannenmann and Vulliet (2006). Rosenberg, M. (1968), The logic of survey analysis, New York-London, Basic Books; tr. it., 2003 La logica dell’analisi trivariata, Milano, FrancoAngeli. Tyler T. (1980) «The Impact of Directly and Indirectly Experienced Events. The Origins of Crime-Related Judgements and Behaviors», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, n. 39, Alexandria, American Statistical Association, pp. 13-28. Waples D., Berelson B., Bradshaw F. (1940) What reading does people. A summary of evidence on the social effects of reading and a statement of problems for research, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Wachinger G., Renn O. (2010) Risk Perception and Natural Hazards. CapHaz-Net WP3 Report, DIALOGIK Non-Profit Institute for Communication and Cooperative Research, Stuttgart documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.