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The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. This TDR is intended to justify the technical choices for the far detector that flow down from the high-level physics goals through requirements at all levels of the Project. Volume I contains an executive summary that introduces the DUNE science program, the far detector and the strategy for its modular designs, and the organization and management of the Project. The remainder of Volume I provides more detail on the science program that drives the choice of detector technologies and on the technologies themselves. It also introduces the designs for the DUNE near detector and the DUNE computing model, for which DUNE is planning design reports. Volume II of this TDR describes DUNE's physics program in detail. Volume III describes the technical coordination required for the far detector design, construction, installation, and integration, and its organizational structure. Volume IV describes the single-phase far detector technology. A planned Volume V will describe the dual-phase technology.
Abi, B., Acciarri, R., Acero, M., Adamov, G., Adams, D., Adinolfi, M., et al. (2020). Volume I. Introduction to DUNE. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 15(8) [10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08008].
Volume I. Introduction to DUNE
Abi B.;Acciarri R.;Acero M. A.;Adamov G.;Adams D.;Adinolfi M.;Ahmad Z.;Ahmed J.;Alion T.;Monsalve S. A.;Alt C.;Anderson J.;Andreopoulos C.;Andrews M.;Andrianala F.;Andringa S.;Ankowski A.;Antonova M.;Antusch S.;Aranda-Fernandez A.;Ariga A.;Arnold L. O.;Arroyave M. A.;Asaadi J.;Aurisano A.;Aushev V.;Autiero D.;Azfar F.;Back H.;Back J. J.;Backhouse C.;Baesso P.;Bagby L.;Bajou R.;Balasubramanian S.;Baldi P.;Bambah B.;Barao F.;Barenboim G.;Barker G.;Barkhouse W.;Barnes C.;Barr G.;Monarca J. B.;Barros N.;Barrow J. L.;Bashyal A.;Basque V.;Bay F.;Alba J. B.;Beacom J. F.;Bechetoille E.;Behera B.;Bellantoni L.;Bellettini G.;Bellini V.;Beltramello O.;Belver D.;Benekos N.;Neves F. B.;Berger J.;Berkman S.;Bernardini P.;Berner R. M.;Berns H.;Bertolucci S.;Betancourt M.;Bezawada Y.;Bhattacharjee M.;Bhuyan B.;Biagi S.;Bian J.;Biassoni M.;Biery K.;Bilki B.;Bishai M.;Bitadze A.;Blake A.;Siffert B. B.;Blaszczyk F.;Blazey G.;Blucher E.;Boissevain J.;Bolognesi S.;Bolton T.;Bonesini M.;Bongrand M.;Bonini F.;Booth A.;Booth C.;Bordoni S.;Borkum A.;Boschi T.;Bostan N.;Bour P.;Boyd S.;Boyden D.;Bracinik J.;Braga D.;Brailsford D.;Brandt A.;Bremer J.;Brew C.;Brianne E.;Brice S. J.;Brizzolari C.;Bromberg C.;Brooijmans G.;Brooke J.;Bross A.;Brunetti G.;Buchanan N.;Budd H.;Caiulo D.;Calafiura P.;Calcutt J.;Calin M.;Calvez S.;Calvo E.;Camilleri L.;Caminata A.;Campanelli M.;Caratelli D.;Carini G.;Carlus B.;Carniti P.;Terrazas I. C.;Carranza H.;Castillo A.;Castromonte C.;Cattadori C.;Cavalier F.;Cavanna F.;Centro S.;Cerati G.;Cervelli A.;Villanueva A. C.;Chalifour M.;Chang C.;Chardonnet E.;Chatterjee A.;Chattopadhyay S.;Chaves J.;Chen H.;Chen M.;Chen Y.;Cherdack D.;Chi C.;Childress S.;Chiriacescu A.;Cho K.;Choubey S.;Christensen A.;Christian D.;Christodoulou G.;Church E.;Clarke P.;Coan T. E.;Cocco A. G.;Coelho J.;Conley E.;Conrad J.;Convery M.;Corwin L.;Cotte P.;Cremaldi L.;Cremonesi L.;Crespo-Anadon J. I.;Cristaldo E.;Cross R.;Cuesta C.;Cui Y.;Cussans D.;Dabrowski M.;Motta H. D.;Peres L. D. S.;David Q.;Davies G. S.;Davini S.;Dawson J.;De K.;Almeida R. M. D.;Debbins P.;Bonis I. D.;Decowski M.;Gouvea A. D.;Holanda P. C. D.;Astiz I. L. D. I.;Deisting A.;Jong P. D.;Delbart A.;Delepine D.;Delgado M.;Dell'acqua A.;Lurgio P. D.;Neto J. R. D. M.;Demuth D. M.;Dennis S.;Densham C.;Deptuch G.;Roeck A. D.;Romeri V. D.;Vries J. D.;Dharmapalan R.;Dias M.;Diaz F.;Diaz J.;Domizio S. D.;Giulio L. D.;Ding P.;Noto L. D.;Distefano C.;Diurba R.;Diwan M.;Djurcic Z.;Dokania N.;Dolinski M.;Domine L.;Douglas D.;Drielsma F.;Duchesneau D.;Duffy K.;Dunne P.;Durkin T.;Duyang H.;Dvornikov O.;Dwyer D.;Dyshkant A.;Eads M.;Edmunds D.;Eisch J.;Emery S.;Ereditato A.;Escobar C.;Sanchez L. E.;Evans J. J.;Ewart E.;Ezeribe A. C.;Fahey K.;Falcone A.;Farnese C.;Farzan Y.;Felix J.;Fernandez-Martinez E.;Menendez P. F.;Ferraro F.;Fields L.;Filkins A.;Filthaut F.;Fitzpatrick R. S.;Flanagan W.;Fleming B.;Flight R.;Fowler J.;Fox W.;Franc J.;Francis K.;Franco D.;Freeman J.;Freestone J.;Fried J.;Friedland A.;Fuess S.;Furic I.;Furmanski A. P.;Gago A.;Gallagher H.;Gallego-Ros A.;Gallice N.;Galymov V.;Gamberini E.;Gamble T.;Gandhi R.;Gandrajula R.;Gao S.;Garcia-Gamez D.;Garcia-Peris M. A.;Gardiner S.;Gastler D.;Ge G.;Gelli B.;Gendotti A.;Gent S.;Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.;Gibin D.;Gil-Botella I.;Girerd C.;Giri A.;Gnani D.;Gogota O.;Gold M.;Gollapinni S.;Gollwitzer K.;Gomes R. A.;Bermeo L. G.;Fajardo L. S. G.;Gonnella F.;Gonzalez-Cuevas J.;Goodman M. C.;Goodwin O.;Goswami S.;Gotti C.;Goudzovski E.;Grace C.;Graham M.;Gramellini E.;Gran R.;Granados E.;Grant A.;Grant C.;Gratieri D.;Green P.;Green S.;Greenler L.;Greenwood M.;Greer J.;Griffith C.;Groh M.;Grudzinski J.;Grzelak K.;Gu W.;Guarino V.;Guenette R.;Guglielmi A.;Guo B.;Guthikonda K.;Gutierrez R.;Guzowski P.;Guzzo M. M.;Gwon S.;Habig A.;Hackenburg A.;Hadavand H.;Haenni R.;Hahn A.;Haigh J.;Haiston J.;Hamernik T.;Hamilton P.;Han J.;Harder K.;Harris D. A.;Hartnell J.;Hasegawa T.;Hatcher R.;Hazen E.;Heavey A.;Heeger K. M.;Hennessy K.;Henry S.;Morquecho M. H.;Herner K.;Hertel L.;Hesam A. S.;Hewes J.;Pichardo A. H.;Hill T.;Hillier S. J.;Himmel A.;Hoff J.;Hohl C.;Holin A.;Hoppe E.;Horton-Smith G. A.;Hostert M.;Hourlier A.;Howard B.;Howell R.;Huang J.;Huang J.;Hugon J.;Iles G.;Iliescu A. M.;Illingworth R.;Ioannisian A.;Itay R.;Izmaylov A.;James E.;Jargowsky B.;Jediny F.;Jesus-Valls C.;Ji X.;Jiang L.;Jimenez S.;Jipa A.;Joglekar A.;Johnson C.;Johnson R.;Jones B.;Jones S.;Jung C.;Junk T.;Jwa Y.;Kabirnezhad M.;Kaboth A.;Kadenko I.;Kamiya F.;Karagiorgi G.;Karcher A.;Karolak M.;Karyotakis Y.;Kasai S.;Kasetti S. P.;Kashur L.;Kazaryan N.;Kearns E.;Keener P.;Kelly K. J.;Kemp E.;Ketchum W.;Kettell S.;Khabibullin M.;Khotjantsev A.;Khvedelidze A.;Kim D.;King B.;Kirby B.;Kirby M.;Klein J.;Koehler K.;Koerner L. W.;Kohn S.;Koller P. P.;Kordosky M.;Kosc T.;Kose U.;Kostelecky V.;Kothekar K.;Krennrich F.;Kreslo I.;Kudenko Y.;Kudryavtsev V.;Kulagin S.;Kumar J.;Kumar R.;Kuruppu C.;Kus V.;Kutter T.;Lambert A.;Lande K.;Lane C. E.;Lang K.;Langford T.;Lasorak P.;Last D.;Lastoria C.;Laundrie A.;Lawrence A.;Lazanu I.;Lazur R.;Le T.;Learned J.;Lebrun P.;Miotto G. L.;Lehnert R.;De Oliveira M. L.;Leitner M.;Leyton M.;Li L.;Li S.;Li S.;Li T.;Li Y.;Liao H.;Lin C.;Lin S.;Lister A.;Littlejohn B. R.;Liu J.;Lockwitz S.;Loew T.;Lokajicek M.;Lomidze I.;Long K.;Loo K.;Lorca D.;Lord T.;Losecco J.;Louis W. C.;Luk K.;Luo X.;Lurkin N.;Lux T.;Luzio V. P.;MacFarland D.;MacHado A.;MacHado P.;MacIas C.;MacIer J.;Maddalena A.;Madigan P.;Magill S.;Mahn K.;Maio A.;Maloney J. A.;Mandrioli G.;Maneira J. C.;Manenti L.;Manly S.;Mann A.;Manolopoulos K.;Plata M. M.;Marchionni A.;Marciano W.;Marfatia D.;Mariani C.;Maricic J.;Marinho F.;Marino A. D.;Marshak M.;Marshall C.;Marshall J.;Marteau J.;Martin-Albo J.;Martinez N.;Caicedo D. A. M.;Martynenko S.;Mason K.;Mastbaum A.;Masud M.;Matsuno S.;Matthews J.;Mauger C.;Mauri N.;Mavrokoridis K.;Mazza R.;Mazzacane A.;Mazzucato E.;McCluskey E.;McConkey N.;McFarland K. S.;McGrew C.;McNab A.;Mefodiev A.;Mehta P.;Melas P.;Mellinato M.;Mena O.;Menary S.;Mendez H.;Menegolli A.;Meng G.;Messier M.;Metcalf W.;Mewes M.;Meyer H.;Miao T.;Michna G.;Miedema T.;Migenda J.;Milincic R.;Miller W.;Mills J.;Milne C.;Mineev O.;Miranda O. G.;Miryala S.;Mishra C.;Mishra S.;Mislivec A.;Mladenov D.;Mocioiu I.;Moffat K.;Moggi N.;Mohanta R.;Mohayai T. A.;Mokhov N.;Molina J. A.;Bueno L. M.;Montanari A.;Montanari C.;Montanari D.;Zetina L. M. M.;Moon J.;Mooney M.;Moor A.;Moreno D.;Morgan B.;Morris C.;Mossey C.;Motuk E.;Moura C. A.;Mousseau J.;Mu W.;Mualem L.;Mueller J.;Muether M.;Mufson S.;Muheim F.;Muir A.;Mulhearn M.;Muramatsu H.;Murphy S.;Musser J.;Nachtman J.;Nagu S.;Nalbandyan M.;Nandakumar R.;Naples D.;Narita S.;Navas-Nicolas D.;Nayak N.;Nebot-Guinot M.;Necib L.;Negishi K.;Nelson J. K.;Nesbit J.;Nessi M.;Newbold D.;Newcomer M.;Newhart D.;Nichol R.;Niner E.;Nishimura K.;Norman A.;Northrop R.;Novella P.;Nowak J. A.;Oberling M.;Campo A. O. D.;Olivier A.;Onel Y.;Onishchuk Y.;Ott J.;Pagani L.;Pakvasa S.;Palamara O.;Palestini S.;Paley J. M.;Pallavicini M.;Palomares C.;Pantic E.;Paolone V.;Papadimitriou V.;Papaleo R.;Papanestis A.;Paramesvaran S.;Parke S.;Parsa Z.;Parvu M.;Pascoli S.;Pasqualini L.;Pasternak J.;Pater J.;Patrick C.;Patrizii L.;Patterson R. B.;Patton S.;Patzak T.;Paudel A.;Paulos B.;Paulucci L.;Pavlovic Z.;Pawloski G.;Payne D.;Pec V.;Peeters S. J.;Penichot Y.;Pennacchio E.;Penzo A.;Peres O. L.;Perry J.;Pershey D.;Pessina G.;Petrillo G.;Petta C.;Petti R.;Piastra F.;Pickering L.;Pietropaolo F.;Pillow J.;Plunkett R.;Poling R.;Pons X.;Poonthottathil N.;Pordes S.;Potekhin M.;Potenza R.;Potukuchi B. V.;Pozimski J.;Pozzato M.;Prakash S.;Prakash T.;Prince S.;Prior G.;Pugnere D.;Qi K.;Qian X.;Raaf J.;Raboanary R.;Radeka V.;Rademacker J.;Radics B.;Rafique A.;Raguzin E.;Rai M.;Rajaoalisoa M.;Rakhno I.;Rakotondramanana H.;Rakotondravohitra L.;Ramachers Y.;Rameika R.;Delgado M. R.;Ramson B.;Rappoldi A.;Raselli G.;Ratoff P.;Ravat S.;Razafinime H.;Real J.;Rebel B.;Redondo D.;Reggiani-Guzzo M.;Rehak T.;Reichenbacher J.;Reitzner S. D.;Renshaw A.;Rescia S.;Resnati F.;Reynolds A.;Riccobene G.;Rice L. C.;Rielage K.;Rigaut Y.;Rivera D.;Rochester L.;Roda M.;Rodrigues P.;Alonso M. R.;Rondon J. R.;Roeth A.;Rogers H.;Rosauro-Alcaraz S.;Rossella M.;Rout J.;Roy S.;Rubbia A.;Rubbia C.;Russell B.;Russell J.;Ruterbories D.;Saakyan R.;Sacerdoti S.;Safford T.;Sahu N.;Sala P.;Samios N.;Sanchez M.;Sanders D. A.;Sankey D.;Santana S.;Santos-Maldonado M.;Saoulidou N.;Sapienza P.;Sarasty C.;Sarcevic I.;Savage G.;Savinov V.;Scaramelli A.;Scarff A.;Scarpelli A.;Schaffer T.;Schellman H.;Schlabach P.;Schmitz D.;Scholberg K.;Schukraft A.;Segreto E.;Sensenig J.;Seong I.;Sergi A.;Sergiampietri F.;Sgalaberna D.;Shaevitz M.;Shafaq S.;Shamma M.;Sharma H. R.;Sharma R.;Shaw T.;Shepherd-Themistocleous C.;Shin S.;Shooltz D.;Shrock R.;Simard L.;Simos N.;Sinclair J.;Sinev G.;Singh J.;Singh V.;Sipos R.;Sippach F.;Sirri G.;Sitraka A.;Siyeon K.;Smargianaki D.;Smith A.;Smith A.;Smith E.;Smith P.;Smolik J.;Smy M.;Snopok P.;Nunes M. S.;Sobel H.;Soderberg M.;Salinas C. J. S.;Soldner-Rembold S.;Solomey N.;Solovov V.;Sondheim W. E.;Sorel M.;Soto-Oton J.;Sousa A.;Soustruznik K.;Spagliardi F.;Spanu M.;Spitz J.;Spooner N. J.;Spurgeon K.;Staley R.;Stancari M.;Stanco L.;Steiner H.;Stewart J.;Stillwell B.;Stock J.;Stocker F.;Stokes T.;Strait M.;Strauss T.;Striganov S.;Stuart A.;Summers D.;Surdo A.;Susic V.;Suter L.;Sutera C.;Svoboda R.;Szczerbinska B.;Szelc A.;Talaga R.;Tanaka H.;Oregui B. T.;Tapper A.;Tariq S.;Tatar E.;Tayloe R.;Teklu A.;Tenti M.;Terao K.;Ternes C. A.;Terranova F.;Testera G.;Thea A.;Thompson J. L.;Thorn C.;Timm S.;Tonazzo A.;Torti M.;Tortola M.;Tortorici F.;Totani D.;Toups M.;Touramanis C.;Trevor J.;Trzaska W. H.;Tsai Y. T.;Tsamalaidze Z.;Tsang K.;Tsverava N.;Tufanli S.;Tull C.;Tyley E.;Tzanov M.;Uchida M. A.;Urheim J.;Usher T.;Vagins M.;Vahle P.;Valdiviesso G.;Valencia E.;Vallari Z.;Valle J. W.;Vallecorsa S.;Berg R. V.;De Water R. G. V.;Forero D. V.;Varanini F.;Vargas D.;Varner G.;Vasel J.;Vasseur G.;Vaziri K.;Ventura S.;Verdugo A.;Vergani S.;Vermeulen M. A.;Verzocchi M.;De Souza H. V.;Vignoli C.;Vilela C.;Viren B.;Vrba T.;Wachala T.;Waldron A. V.;Wallbank M.;Wang H.;Wang J.;Wang Y.;Wang Y.;Warburton K.;Warner D.;Wascko M.;Waters D.;Watson A.;Weatherly P.;Weber A.;Weber M.;Wei H.;Weinstein A.;Wenman D.;Wetstein M.;While M. R.;White A.;Whitehead L. H.;Whittington D.;Wilking M. J.;Wilkinson C.;Williams Z.;Wilson F.;Wilson R. J.;Wolcott J.;Wongjirad T.;Wood K.;Wood L.;Worcester E.;Worcester M.;Wret C.;Wu W.;Wu W.;Xiao Y.;Yang G.;Yang T.;Yershov N.;Yonehara K.;Young T.;Yu B.;Yu J.;Zalesak J.;Zambelli L.;Zamorano B.;Zani A.;Zazueta L.;Zeller G.;Zennamo J.;Zeug K.;Zhang C.;Zhao M.;Zhivun E.;Zhu G.;Zimmerman E. D.;Zito M.;Zucchelli S.;Zuklin J.;Zutshi V.;Zwaska R.
The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. This TDR is intended to justify the technical choices for the far detector that flow down from the high-level physics goals through requirements at all levels of the Project. Volume I contains an executive summary that introduces the DUNE science program, the far detector and the strategy for its modular designs, and the organization and management of the Project. The remainder of Volume I provides more detail on the science program that drives the choice of detector technologies and on the technologies themselves. It also introduces the designs for the DUNE near detector and the DUNE computing model, for which DUNE is planning design reports. Volume II of this TDR describes DUNE's physics program in detail. Volume III describes the technical coordination required for the far detector design, construction, installation, and integration, and its organizational structure. Volume IV describes the single-phase far detector technology. A planned Volume V will describe the dual-phase technology.
Abi, B., Acciarri, R., Acero, M., Adamov, G., Adams, D., Adinolfi, M., et al. (2020). Volume I. Introduction to DUNE. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 15(8) [10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08008].
Descrizione: Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Sissa Medialab. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 598/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.