Metrics are performance indicators used to indicate, measure or record values of a particular magnitude. Metrics, seen as overall indicators of corporate performance, are one of the fundamental tools used to monitor and orient corporate management. They can be classified by: financial–non-financial; quantitative–qualitative; accounting–non-accounting; internal and external; process and end result. Metrics can serve a dual purpose: to provide elements for assessment, inside the company environment; to provide evaluation parameters outside the company.
Garbelli, M. (2008). Market-Driven Management, Competitive Markets and Performance Metrics. SYMPHONYA, 1 [10.4468/2008.1.07garbelli].
Market-Driven Management, Competitive Markets and Performance Metrics
Metrics are performance indicators used to indicate, measure or record values of a particular magnitude. Metrics, seen as overall indicators of corporate performance, are one of the fundamental tools used to monitor and orient corporate management. They can be classified by: financial–non-financial; quantitative–qualitative; accounting–non-accounting; internal and external; process and end result. Metrics can serve a dual purpose: to provide elements for assessment, inside the company environment; to provide evaluation parameters outside the company.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.