ESCORT (European Standard Controller with Advanced Road Traffic Sensors) Project TR 4008 is a multinational collaborative project within the European Commission Research and Development Framework Programme IV, DG XII Telematics Applications Transport Research. The project began in January 1998 and ended in March 2000, and involves partners from France (Citilog, INRETS), Italy (Consorzio Milano Ricerche, Project Automation), Spain (ETRA, SVS), and UK (University of Southampton Transportation Research Group). ESCORT deals with the development of a new philosophy of traffic control, based on integration of heterogeneous devices and applications for traffic control at intersection level. This abstract is meant to give an overview of the AMI (Abstract Model of Intersection), that constitutes the core result of the project. The official ESCORT Web site can be found at
Consolo, F., Micucci, D., Savigni, A., Tisato, F. (2000). ESCORT: Towards Integration in Intersection Control. In Proceedings of the Rome Jubilee 2000 Conference (Workshop on the International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR) on Management of Industrial Logistic Systems – 8th Meeting of the Euro Working Group Transportation. Roma : Euro Working Group Transportation.
ESCORT: Towards Integration in Intersection Control
ESCORT (European Standard Controller with Advanced Road Traffic Sensors) Project TR 4008 is a multinational collaborative project within the European Commission Research and Development Framework Programme IV, DG XII Telematics Applications Transport Research. The project began in January 1998 and ended in March 2000, and involves partners from France (Citilog, INRETS), Italy (Consorzio Milano Ricerche, Project Automation), Spain (ETRA, SVS), and UK (University of Southampton Transportation Research Group). ESCORT deals with the development of a new philosophy of traffic control, based on integration of heterogeneous devices and applications for traffic control at intersection level. This abstract is meant to give an overview of the AMI (Abstract Model of Intersection), that constitutes the core result of the project. The official ESCORT Web site can be found at documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.