A large variety of sensory input from the world and the body, are continuously integrated in the brain in order to create supra-modal and coherent mental representations of our own body. Plasticity is a fundamental characteristic of the nervous systems, allowing constant adaptive changes in mental functions and behaviour. Thanks to this, even body representations can change according to experience and, crucially, they can be temporarily altered by means of experimental protocols. In the present work, we were interested in assessing the plasticity of the subjective metric of the body, and the effect of temporary changes in it on the processing of corporeal and spatial information. To this aim, two types of bodily illusion were used, i.e. the Mirror Box Illusion (MB) and the Full-Body Illusion (FBI), due to their known effects inducing strong modulations of body representation. The core mechanism accounting for the efficacy of these experimental procedures is likely to be the process of embodiment of an alien body part. In experiment 1 we used a visuotactile FBI-like paradigm to assess the feasibility and the replicability of the FBI for bodies of different sizes. Using this paradigm, we confirmed that it is possible to induce and replicate in the same participant, the embodiment towards mannequins of standard or bigger sizes. In experiment 2 and 3 we investigated body metric representation of the leg, and whether it can be plastically modulated by embodying mannequins of different sizes. To address this issue, we measured the effect of FBI induced by different body sizes, over a Body Distance Task (BDT), i.e. the assessment of the perceived distance between two touches applied to the participant’s leg. We found that the subjective experience of embodiment is also accompanied by a change in the perception of body metric that goes hand-in-hand with the current size of the embodied legs. Since we confirmed that, in healthy subjects, the metric representation of the body can be modulated, we addressed a similar question in patients with hemiplegia. In experiment 4, using a body bisection task we first observed that hemiparetic post-stroke patients show a proximal bias in the metric representation of their affected upper limb. Critically, we found that this bias shifts distally, towards the objective midpoint after a MB training session, compared to a control training without the mirror. In Experiment 5 we found a similar modulation of subjective body metric in a group of patients suffering from Ideomotor Apraxia, treated with a modified version of the MB setup, which was accompanied by an improvement in the programming of motor plans. In experiments 6 and 7 we focused more on the relationship between body metric and space representations. First, we tested the hypothesis that an altered body representation could modify the way in which individuals estimate their body affordances during a Motor Imagery Task. Our results showed that participants imagined walking faster after having been exposed to an illusion of longer legs. Furthermore, we found that the illusory embodiment of longer legs can affect the estimation of allocentric distances in extra-personal space. The embodiment of longer legs, on the one hand, reduced the perceived distance in meters, on the other hand, produced an enhancement of the number of steps that participants imagined they would have needed to walk between the same landmarks. In conclusion, we confirmed that it is possible to induce provisional modifications of the metric representation of the body, by means of body illusions. We showed that body representation is malleable to the point to shape our ability to estimate distances in the external world both in terms of reachability and allocentric distance estimation. Such plasticity of body representation and body-space interaction gives important clues for the understanding of body representation and its rehabilitation in neurological patients.
Una grande varietà di input sensoriali dal mondo e dal corpo, sono continuamente integrati nel cervello al fine di creare rappresentazioni mentali sovramodali e coerenti del nostro stesso corpo. La plasticità è una caratteristica fondamentale di tali rappresentazioni, che consente costanti cambiamenti adattativi nelle funzioni mentali e nel comportamento. Anche le rappresentazioni corporee possono cambiare in base all'esperienza e, soprattutto, possono essere temporaneamente modificate mediante protocolli sperimentali. Nel presente lavoro, eravamo interessati a valutare la plasticità della percezione metrica del corpo e l'effetto di cambiamenti temporanei in essa sull'elaborazione delle informazioni corporee e spaziali. A tale scopo, sono stati utilizzati due illusioni corporee: la Mirror Box Illusion (MB) e la Full-Body Illusion (FBI). Il meccanismo principale che spiega l'efficacia di queste procedure sperimentali è il processo di incorporazione di una parte del corpo aliena. Nell'esperimento 1 abbiamo usato un paradigma visuo-tattile di FBI per valutarne la fattibilità e la replicabilità con corpi di dimensioni diverse. Abbiamo confermato che è possibile indurre e replicare nello stesso partecipante l'incorporazione verso manichini di dimensioni standard o più grandi. Nell'esperimento 2 e 3 abbiamo studiato la rappresentazione metrica della gamba e la sua malleabilità. Abbiamo quindi misurato l'effetto dell'FBI indotto da diverse dimensioni corporee, su un compito di valutazione della distanza percepita tra due tocchi applicati alla gamba del partecipante. Abbiamo scoperto che l'esperienza soggettiva di incorporazione è accompagnata da un cambiamento nella percezione della metrica del corpo che va di pari passo con la dimensione delle gambe incarnate. Poiché abbiamo confermato che, in soggetti sani, la rappresentazione metrica del corpo può essere modulata, abbiamo affrontato una domanda simile in pazienti con emiplegia. Nell'esperimento 4, usando un compito di bisezione del corpo abbiamo osservato che pazienti emiparetici mostrano una distorsione prossimale nella rappresentazione metrica dell'arto interessato. Abbiamo, inoltre, scoperto che la bisezione si sposta verso il punto medio reale dopo una sessione di trattamento con MB, rispetto a un trattamento di controllo senza specchio. Nell'esperimento 5 abbiamo trovato una modulazione simile della metrica corporea che, in un gruppo di pazienti affetti da aprassia ideomotoria trattati con una versione modificata della MB, era accompagnata da un miglioramento della programmazione dei piani motori. Negli esperimenti 6 e 7 ci siamo concentrati maggiormente sulla relazione tra metrica del corpo e rappresentazione dello spazio. In primo luogo, abbiamo testato l'ipotesi che una rappresentazione del corpo alterata influenzasse la percezione delle proprie attività motorie immaginate. I risultati hanno mostrato che i partecipanti immaginavano di camminare più velocemente dopo essere stati esposti a una FBI con gambe più lunghe. Inoltre, abbiamo scoperto che l'incorporazione illusoria di gambe più lunghe può influenzare la stima delle distanze allocentriche nello spazio extra-personale. L'incorporazione di gambe più lunghe, da un lato, ha, infatti, ridotto la distanza percepita in metri, dall'altro, ha prodotto un aumento del numero di passi che i partecipanti immaginavano di dover percorrere tra gli stessi punti di riferimento. In conclusione, abbiamo confermato che è possibile manipolare la rappresentazione metrica del corpo, mediante illusioni corporee e che ciò influenza la nostra capacità di stimare le distanze nel mondo esterno sia in termini di raggiungibilità che di stima allocentrica della distanza. Tale plasticità della rappresentazione corporea e dell'interazione spazio-corpo fornisce importanti indizi per la comprensione della rappresentazione corporea e della sua riabilitazione nei pazienti neurologici.
(2020). How embodiment shapes our perception: evidence of body and space. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2020).
How embodiment shapes our perception: evidence of body and space
A large variety of sensory input from the world and the body, are continuously integrated in the brain in order to create supra-modal and coherent mental representations of our own body. Plasticity is a fundamental characteristic of the nervous systems, allowing constant adaptive changes in mental functions and behaviour. Thanks to this, even body representations can change according to experience and, crucially, they can be temporarily altered by means of experimental protocols. In the present work, we were interested in assessing the plasticity of the subjective metric of the body, and the effect of temporary changes in it on the processing of corporeal and spatial information. To this aim, two types of bodily illusion were used, i.e. the Mirror Box Illusion (MB) and the Full-Body Illusion (FBI), due to their known effects inducing strong modulations of body representation. The core mechanism accounting for the efficacy of these experimental procedures is likely to be the process of embodiment of an alien body part. In experiment 1 we used a visuotactile FBI-like paradigm to assess the feasibility and the replicability of the FBI for bodies of different sizes. Using this paradigm, we confirmed that it is possible to induce and replicate in the same participant, the embodiment towards mannequins of standard or bigger sizes. In experiment 2 and 3 we investigated body metric representation of the leg, and whether it can be plastically modulated by embodying mannequins of different sizes. To address this issue, we measured the effect of FBI induced by different body sizes, over a Body Distance Task (BDT), i.e. the assessment of the perceived distance between two touches applied to the participant’s leg. We found that the subjective experience of embodiment is also accompanied by a change in the perception of body metric that goes hand-in-hand with the current size of the embodied legs. Since we confirmed that, in healthy subjects, the metric representation of the body can be modulated, we addressed a similar question in patients with hemiplegia. In experiment 4, using a body bisection task we first observed that hemiparetic post-stroke patients show a proximal bias in the metric representation of their affected upper limb. Critically, we found that this bias shifts distally, towards the objective midpoint after a MB training session, compared to a control training without the mirror. In Experiment 5 we found a similar modulation of subjective body metric in a group of patients suffering from Ideomotor Apraxia, treated with a modified version of the MB setup, which was accompanied by an improvement in the programming of motor plans. In experiments 6 and 7 we focused more on the relationship between body metric and space representations. First, we tested the hypothesis that an altered body representation could modify the way in which individuals estimate their body affordances during a Motor Imagery Task. Our results showed that participants imagined walking faster after having been exposed to an illusion of longer legs. Furthermore, we found that the illusory embodiment of longer legs can affect the estimation of allocentric distances in extra-personal space. The embodiment of longer legs, on the one hand, reduced the perceived distance in meters, on the other hand, produced an enhancement of the number of steps that participants imagined they would have needed to walk between the same landmarks. In conclusion, we confirmed that it is possible to induce provisional modifications of the metric representation of the body, by means of body illusions. We showed that body representation is malleable to the point to shape our ability to estimate distances in the external world both in terms of reachability and allocentric distance estimation. Such plasticity of body representation and body-space interaction gives important clues for the understanding of body representation and its rehabilitation in neurological patients.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: How embodiment shapes our perception: evidence of body and space
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Doctoral thesis
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