Holiday colonies originated in Switzerland in the second half of the nineteenth century and quickly spread to most of the European countries: born in the context of the recent hygienic and prophylactic sensibility, mainly oriented towards the fight against tuberculosis, these initiatives remained characterized until after the Second World War by a prevalent medical approach. The colonies, however, are also the product of a pedagogical reflection on the open-air dimension and on trip as an educational opportunity: outdoor moments are in fact always present in the history of these initiatives, not only in the collective bath in the sea or in the heliotherapy sessions, but also in the hikes in a nature seen as a world to explore and a source of learning. In Italy, the colonies remind us above all of the experiences of the fascist period, marked by a military and homologating imprint, by the rites of the flag raising and collective gymnastics in rigidly geometric formations; these are contexts in which the individuality and the initiative of the child are ignored and annulled in an anonymous dimension. After the Second World War, although most of the Italian colonies still had characteristics inspired by the sanitary model, very innovative projects appeared, which also served as an important place for training and experimentation in the field for school teachers, bringing a wind of innovation to this institution. This research is focused on the experiences of the Fiat and Ceméa holiday camps in the period 1968-1990, years in which the function of the camps is called into question, within the framework of a critical reflection on the relationship between the school and extracurricular dimensions. While the Fiat colonies in the second half of the 1970s were still rigidly characterized by an authoritarian imprint, the colonies run by Ceméa - movement that comes from France in the early 1950s and is inspired by the concepts and practices of Progressive education - are contexts that propose themselves as places of openness to the new, in which educators, free from the constraints of the educational institution, try to follow pedagogical directions that are still unexplored in the Italian panorama. The aim of the work is to describe the two specific experiences, reflecting on the pedagogies, both declared and implicit, evoked by the practices and on the reasons for the permanence of the past legacy alongside the elements of change. The study refers to the conception of history elaborated by the Annales school, which takes into consideration the entire range of human activities and elaborates an idea of history as a choral construction: it is an element, the latter, which also characterizes the colonies, which, with a few exceptions, do not have prominent figures but are the product of the work of a multitude of educators, often teachers, engaged in summer in holiday centers. The central resource of this research, together with the study of archives and house organs, is the use of interviews as oral historical sources, both to compensate for the relative scarcity of documents, and to build a story with several voices "from below", by listening to those who were guests as children in the colonies or have worked there as educators. As far as Fiat is concerned, the research also reconstructs the attempts at innovation, born within a previously very rigid organization, linked to the history of a company that in some periods almost replaced the welfare function of the State; as far as the Cemea experience is concerned, the study highlights a more free approach, oriented towards the child as protagonist of the activities and subject to continuous reworking and critical reflection by the staff involved.
Le colonie di vacanza hanno origine in Svizzera nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento e rapidamente si diffondono in gran parte dei paesi europei: nate nell’ambito della nuova sensibilità igienica e profilattica, orientate soprattutto alla lotta alla tubercolosi, queste iniziative rimangono caratterizzate fino al secondo dopoguerra da una prevalente impostazione sanitaria. Le colonie sono però anche il prodotto di una riflessione pedagogica che ha ad oggetto la dimensione en plein air e il viaggio come strumento educativo: i momenti all’aria aperta sono infatti sempre presenti nella storia di queste iniziative, non solo nel bagno collettivo in mare o nelle sedute di elioterapia, ma anche nelle passeggiate in una natura vista come mondo da esplorare e fonte di apprendimenti. In Italia le colonie richiamano alla mente soprattutto le esperienze del periodo fascista, contraddistinte da un'impronta militare e omologante, dai riti dell’alzabandiera e dalla ginnastica collettiva in formazioni rigidamente geometriche; si tratta di contesti nei quali l'individualità e l’iniziativa del bambino sono ignorate e annullate in una dimensione anonima. Nel dopoguerra, se la maggior parte delle colonie di vacanza italiane presenta caratteristiche ancora ispirate al modello sanitario, compaiono realizzazioni assai innovative, che si pongono anche come importante luogo di formazione e sperimentazione sul campo per gli insegnanti della scuola, portando in questa istituzione un vento di novità. Questa ricerca è focalizzata sulle esperienze delle colonie di vacanza Fiat e Ceméa nel periodo 1968-1990, anni nei quali si mette in discussione la funzione stessa delle colonie, nel quadro di una riflessione critica sul rapporto tra dimensione scolastica ed extrascolastica. Mentre le colonie Fiat nella seconda metà degli anni Settanta sono ancora rigidamente caratterizzate da un'impronta autoritaria, le colonie gestite dai Ceméa - movimento che arriva dalla Francia nei primi anni Cinquanta e che si ispira alle concezioni e alle pratiche dell’attivismo - sono realtà che si propongono come luoghi di apertura al nuovo, nelle quali gli educatori, liberi dai vincoli dell’istituzione scolastica, provano a seguire direzioni pedagogiche ancora inedite per il panorama italiano. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di descrivere i due casi specifici, cercando di riflettere sulle pedagogie, sia dichiarate sia implicite, evocate dalle prassi e sulle ragioni della permanenza di pratiche del passato accanto agli elementi cambiamento. Lo studio si richiama alla concezione di storia elaborata dalla scuola delle Annales, che prende in considerazione l’intera gamma delle attività umane e intende la storia come costruzione corale: si tratta di un elemento, quest'ultimo, che caratterizza anche le colonie, le quali, salvo poche eccezioni, non conoscono figure di spicco ma sono il prodotto del lavoro di una moltitudine di educatori, spesso maestri, “prestati” in estate all'attività nei centri di vacanza. Risorsa centrale di questa ricerca, accanto allo studio degli archivi e degli house organ, è l’utilizzo delle interviste come fonti storiche orali, sia per supplire alla relativa scarsità di documenti, sia per costruire una storia a più voci e “dal basso”, attraverso l’ascolto di quanti sono stati ospiti da bambini nelle colonie o vi hanno lavorato nel ruolo di educatori. Per quanto riguarda Fiat, la ricerca ricostruisce anche i tentativi di innovazione, nati all’interno di un’organizzazione in precedenza molto rigida, legata alla storia di un’azienda che in alcune epoche si è quasi sostituita alla funzione assistenziale dello Stato; per quanto invece concerne l’esperienza Cemea, lo studio pone in evidenza un’impostazione più libera, orientata al protagonismo del bambino e oggetto di una continua rielaborazione e riflessione critica da parte del personale coinvolto.
(2020). Le colonie di vacanza italiane nel periodo 1968-1990: una pedagogia in transizione tra spinte attivistiche ed eredità del passato.. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2020).
Le colonie di vacanza italiane nel periodo 1968-1990: una pedagogia in transizione tra spinte attivistiche ed eredità del passato.
Holiday colonies originated in Switzerland in the second half of the nineteenth century and quickly spread to most of the European countries: born in the context of the recent hygienic and prophylactic sensibility, mainly oriented towards the fight against tuberculosis, these initiatives remained characterized until after the Second World War by a prevalent medical approach. The colonies, however, are also the product of a pedagogical reflection on the open-air dimension and on trip as an educational opportunity: outdoor moments are in fact always present in the history of these initiatives, not only in the collective bath in the sea or in the heliotherapy sessions, but also in the hikes in a nature seen as a world to explore and a source of learning. In Italy, the colonies remind us above all of the experiences of the fascist period, marked by a military and homologating imprint, by the rites of the flag raising and collective gymnastics in rigidly geometric formations; these are contexts in which the individuality and the initiative of the child are ignored and annulled in an anonymous dimension. After the Second World War, although most of the Italian colonies still had characteristics inspired by the sanitary model, very innovative projects appeared, which also served as an important place for training and experimentation in the field for school teachers, bringing a wind of innovation to this institution. This research is focused on the experiences of the Fiat and Ceméa holiday camps in the period 1968-1990, years in which the function of the camps is called into question, within the framework of a critical reflection on the relationship between the school and extracurricular dimensions. While the Fiat colonies in the second half of the 1970s were still rigidly characterized by an authoritarian imprint, the colonies run by Ceméa - movement that comes from France in the early 1950s and is inspired by the concepts and practices of Progressive education - are contexts that propose themselves as places of openness to the new, in which educators, free from the constraints of the educational institution, try to follow pedagogical directions that are still unexplored in the Italian panorama. The aim of the work is to describe the two specific experiences, reflecting on the pedagogies, both declared and implicit, evoked by the practices and on the reasons for the permanence of the past legacy alongside the elements of change. The study refers to the conception of history elaborated by the Annales school, which takes into consideration the entire range of human activities and elaborates an idea of history as a choral construction: it is an element, the latter, which also characterizes the colonies, which, with a few exceptions, do not have prominent figures but are the product of the work of a multitude of educators, often teachers, engaged in summer in holiday centers. The central resource of this research, together with the study of archives and house organs, is the use of interviews as oral historical sources, both to compensate for the relative scarcity of documents, and to build a story with several voices "from below", by listening to those who were guests as children in the colonies or have worked there as educators. As far as Fiat is concerned, the research also reconstructs the attempts at innovation, born within a previously very rigid organization, linked to the history of a company that in some periods almost replaced the welfare function of the State; as far as the Cemea experience is concerned, the study highlights a more free approach, oriented towards the child as protagonist of the activities and subject to continuous reworking and critical reflection by the staff involved.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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