Involving children in theatre at school means ritualizing and progressively enhancing the educational valence of a language and a natural inclination that are typical of both children and educational settings. In this paper, we present the outcomes of an action research project involving childhood education services, educators, teachers, children and their families, which allowed us to experience the implicitly theatrical dimension of school life and more consciously help it to emerge. The aim of this training and research programme was to systematise diverse projects – all centred around theatre, theatricality and its various forms – that were already ongoing in early childhood education centres and preschools. Through this programme, we set out to train teachers and educators in recognizing and harnessing the educational potential inherent in theatre, both in the course of their everyday educational practice and in designing and implementing cycles of workshops based on the languages and techniques of theatre. Two specific research hypotheses were formulated by the research team. The first hypothesis was that theatre is already part of daily educational action with pre-schoolers, because it is present in the domains of narrative, symbolic play, expressive and bodily play, self-discovery and self-expression in the group context. Hence, we set out through our research to identify the existing relationship between theatre and everyday educational practice, between the visible and invisible theatres that are already present in our schools; we also wished to identify the urgent areas of need in which theatre can act as a vehicle and driver of educational change. The second hypothesis concerned the transformative function that theatre can fulfil in (pre)school settings: the research aim here was to identify the conditions under which theatre can bring about change in any educational context, by facilitating cognitive decentring, enhancing subjects’ awareness of their “role” and their relationships with others, allowing them to “theatrically render” their relationships and mutual positioning, and leading them
Fare teatro a scuola con i bambini significa questo: ritualizzare e rendere sempre più educativo un linguaggio e una disposizione naturale dell’infanzia e dei contesti educativi. Quello che segue è l’esito di una ricerca-azione che ha coinvolto servizi per l’infanzia, educatori, insegnanti, bambini e le loro famiglie, durante il quale abbiamo sperimentato quanto ci fosse di implicitamente teatrale nella vita scolastica per farlo emergere con più consapevolezza. Quello qui presentato è l’esito di un percorso di formazione e ricerca volto a sistematizzare le molteplici ed eterogenee esperienze già in atto in diversi servizi e scuole per l’infanzia di una metropoli del Nord Italia in merito al teatro e alle varie forme di teatralità. Nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca-formazione “Milano - Infanzia e Linguaggi Teatrali”, uno degli intenti primari è stato quello di formare insegnanti ed educatori capaci di cogliere e utilizzare il potenziale educativo insito nel teatro sia all’interno della normale prassi educativa e scolastica sia nella progettazione e realizzazione di percorsi laboratoriali in grado di riferirsi ai linguaggi e alle tecniche dell’arte teatrale. Nello specifico le ipotesi di ricerca da cui il gruppo è partito e su cui si è costantemente confrontato e interrogato. La prima riguarda la convinzione che il teatro sia già presente nell’agire educativo quotidiano con i bambini della prima infanzia, poiché è presente negli ambiti di narrazione, di gioco simbolico, di gioco espressivo e corporeo, di scoperta e espressione di sé in gruppo. La ricerca è stata così rivolta all’individuazione del rapporto esistente tra teatro e pratiche scolastiche quotidiane, tra teatri visibili e teatri invisibili già presenti e disseminati nella scuola e all’individuazione di quelle zone di emergenza dove il teatro può essere portatore e motore di cambiamento e trasformazioni educativamente rilevanti. La seconda riguarda la funzione trasformativa che il teatro può avere nella scuola: in questo senso la ricerca è stata indirizzata all’individuazione delle condizioni grazie alle quali il teatro può produrre cambiamento in ogni contesto educativo, attraverso la dislocazione cognitiva che offre, attraverso la possibilità di aumentare la consapevolezza del proprio “ruolo” e della relazione con gli altri e attraverso la “messa in scena” delle relazioni e delle reciproche posizioni, grazie alla scoperta di nuovi linguaggi e tecniche espressivi
Antonacci, F., Guerra, M., Mancino, E. (2016). A way of transformation. Research and training with theater in pre-school education. REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE EDUCACIÓN INFANTIL, 5(4), 182-191.
A way of transformation. Research and training with theater in pre-school education
Involving children in theatre at school means ritualizing and progressively enhancing the educational valence of a language and a natural inclination that are typical of both children and educational settings. In this paper, we present the outcomes of an action research project involving childhood education services, educators, teachers, children and their families, which allowed us to experience the implicitly theatrical dimension of school life and more consciously help it to emerge. The aim of this training and research programme was to systematise diverse projects – all centred around theatre, theatricality and its various forms – that were already ongoing in early childhood education centres and preschools. Through this programme, we set out to train teachers and educators in recognizing and harnessing the educational potential inherent in theatre, both in the course of their everyday educational practice and in designing and implementing cycles of workshops based on the languages and techniques of theatre. Two specific research hypotheses were formulated by the research team. The first hypothesis was that theatre is already part of daily educational action with pre-schoolers, because it is present in the domains of narrative, symbolic play, expressive and bodily play, self-discovery and self-expression in the group context. Hence, we set out through our research to identify the existing relationship between theatre and everyday educational practice, between the visible and invisible theatres that are already present in our schools; we also wished to identify the urgent areas of need in which theatre can act as a vehicle and driver of educational change. The second hypothesis concerned the transformative function that theatre can fulfil in (pre)school settings: the research aim here was to identify the conditions under which theatre can bring about change in any educational context, by facilitating cognitive decentring, enhancing subjects’ awareness of their “role” and their relationships with others, allowing them to “theatrically render” their relationships and mutual positioning, and leading themI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.